Sunday, February 27, 2011

MinSkoa 71 Final

The story

The Minskoa71 was made by the skate and bmx community for
any class, beginner or pro. 18 year old Johnson lyme had a vision in creating
shoes that wouldn’t break down and wear out in less than a month’s time due to
skateboarding. What Johnson did was held a community fund raiser; the people
requested to show were the local skaters and bmxers. The fundraiser gained a
sum of $5,721. In order for Johnson lyme to create essentially the most durable
shoe ever he had to get input on durability flaws of most worn shoes. The input
was indeed vital information on creating the perfect skate shoe, the only thing
holding Johnson back from creating such a master piece was how was he going to
create it. Luckily a professional bmxer Dave mirra and professional skater Dustin
dollin were in town and heard word of what he wanted to create. After the collaboration
the end result was a beautiful master piece called the Minskoa71.